Using the ACH Payment Option

When purchasing a product, selecting the ACH (Automated Clearing House) payment option allows the user to pay by directly debiting a bank account.

Note: To use ACH, you must be using APG (Anywhere Payment Gateway),, or the PayFlowPro merchant processor. PayPal does not permit ACH transactions.

The ACH payment option can be enabled via the Business Unit—if the ACH payment option is not enabled, it will not be visible during the checkout process. ACH is, by default, visible only to staff users as they purchase products on behalf of customers in the system. ACH data can also be securely stored by the payment processor and used in future purchases or to automatically pay recurring payments, such as installments or subscription and membership renewals.

An image of the checkout screen payment options, highlighting "ACH".

Tip: For more on enabling payment methods in your system, see Setting up Payment Methods in the Business Unit

To pay via ACH:

  1. On the Submit Order screen of the product checkout process, locate the Payment Options section.

  2. Select the desired batch in the Post to Batch field.

Note: : If the payment options associated with the batch selected do not include ACH, then the ACH payment option will not appear.

  1. Click the ACH payment option.

  2. Select the desired Account Type (checking or savings).

  3. Enter the Name on Check.

  4. Enter the Routing Number for the account.

  5. Enter the Account Number.

  6. The system allows users the option to store ACH payment information.

    • To securely store account information for future purchases, click the Save this ACH? check box.
      If this box is clicked, once the payment transaction has been completed, the ACH payment information will be saved and become available under the Customer Profile > Purchases tab > Payment Options menu option.

    • For a recurring payment (such as a subscription or membership order), or payments made in installments, click the Auto Pay? check box to automatically charge this payment method when the next invoice becomes due.
      To automatically pay future invoices, a payment method must be saved to the system. If the Auto Pay? check box is selected, the Save this ACH? check box is, by default, checked.

  1. Click the Submit Your Order button.

Managing Stored Payment Methods

If a customer has opted to store ACH payment information in the system for future use, that information can be found in the Customer Record > Purchases tab > Payment Options menu option.

Note: See the help topic, Managing Stored Payment Methods in the Vault.